Our inaugural Snarl is by a college student heretofore known as, Chastity Grrl


It's quite apparent those girls who think for themselves but have a strong conservative bent are not welcome, because-- damnit-- we're just *too* jugdemental. We dare to conceive of a universal morality that applies to all. We don't get drunk and have sex before marriage-- we're just too *good*, *confmist* and instruments of patriarchy.

I can tell you that I've been thinking for myself since I was at least in junior high, and I think for myself. And it is because I think that I have come to accept the Catholic Faith. But that automatically makes me an instrument of a patriarchal Church. Tough shit. Some things are too complicated to explain to those who won't listen.

I'll tell you what I think will be one of the things which will lead to the downfall of patriarchy: the acceptance of pre-marital chastity. Women have been right in denouncing the double standard; but instead of enforcing the chastity standard on the man, they go out and live up to the *male* standard of sexuality, instead of the female standard of virginity. Doesn't that strike you as patriarchal? Women have always been the primary guardians of virginity, and it is because we live in such a patriarchal (read: lust-crazed) world that it has been devalued. Domination comes from the fact that women want to please; and the men want to fuck (and I mean that in the most negative sense possible). Since women have been brain-washed by the patriarchy into believing that men's lust can't be controlled, and that sex is *not* worth waiting for, women have decided to go to the lower standard. Because they want to be *good* girls to the lust-crazed patriarchy, so they feel they have to do it.

Once women *demand* that men wait for marriage, dating will be less plagued with mind games and stupid lines to get women into bed. Men will be forced to see women not as sex objects but as full-fledged human beings. When women act like men in this regard, they give men the message that their behaviour is acceptable: sleeping around and being total assholes is okay. But chastity in dating demands that you concentrate on other things: your interests, your personality, your *real* feelings, not those lies you tell to please the men so you don't lose them. With chastity, your boyfriend becomes your best friend, and in marriage becomes your lover, your real lover, who *knows* you, and not just that shell you present to the guys so they think you're okay.

Let's face it; in general, men think with their dicks, and this is why they screw women over. When you practice chasity, you're telling the guy "I don't want you to think with your dick any more" and you become equals. It's not a dating game, it's true friendship. With true friendship, there's no inequality.


This strong opinion brought to you by: Chastity Grrl